Privacy policy

The "Not So Average" Privacy Policy

Hello there, dear sipper of Holy Tea! You're here because you have an amazing sense of taste and you care about your privacy, which is brilliant! We, at Holy Tea (KVK-number 78181259), think privacy is as cool as a fresh brew, and we're all about keeping things secure. We're glad you're here because we're about to talk about the exciting world of privacy policies. So, put on your fun hat, sip some tea, and let's make data privacy a bit less snooze-inducing, shall we?

Collecting Information: The Holy Grail of Privacy Policies

When you visit our Site, we gather some info about your device and your interaction with the Site. Don't worry, it's nothing that would make us win a game of "Truth or Dare" or let us invade your personal space. We're all about boundaries here.

Just like tea leaves leave their essence in boiling water, you leave digital traces behind. We collect things like your web browser version, IP address, cookie information, what you've been browsing, and how you interact with the site. Why? So we can make your browsing experience smoother than a cup of our finest blend. And if you're wondering, your info is shared with our processor Shopify, Google, and Facebook, and some third-party services for ad purposes.

When you order our product (cheers to your excellent choice, btw), we collect information like your name, billing and shipping address, payment info, email, and phone number. This is so we can process your payment, get your order to you, and keep you in the loop.

Customer support is our jam, so if you reach out to us for help, we might need to collect a bit more information. But we promise it's all to serve you better. It's like how sometimes we need to steep tea a bit longer for the perfect flavor.

Cookie Monster: Our Version

Just like your grandma's cookies, we use cookies to make your browsing experience better and help our Site function properly. But remember, these cookies don't go well with tea; they're digital files that remember your actions and preferences. So, no trying to dunk them in your tea cup.

Sharing Is Caring: Unless It's Personal Information

Just like how we don't share our secret tea blend, we don't recklessly share your information. But for helping us provide our services, we do share your data with trustworthy service providers like Shopify. We also share with Google and Facebook for ad purposes. If the law requires, we may need to share your information. But hey, we've got to abide by the laws, right?

Advertisements: Like Post-its on Your Digital Wall

We use your personal information to show you advertisements or marketing communications that could be your cup of tea! For example, Google Analytics helps us understand how you use our site. Google, Facebook, and third-party services use this information for showing relevant ads.

You can choose to opt-out of this by visiting links provided in the Behavioral Advertising section.

Your Rights: Because You're the Boss!

Whether you're from Europe (EEA resident) or from California, you have rights over your Personal Information. You can ask to access, port, correct, update, or erase it.

Changes and Contact: Because We Like to Keep Things Fresh

Just like how we love experimenting with new tea flavors, we keep updating our Privacy Policy to keep up with changes. You can contact us through the information provided at the end of the document if you have questions.

Last updated: On a sunny day, 04th June 2023.

Contact us: If you have any queries, you can reach us at Alternatively, you can send us a letter at Holy Tea, KVK-number 78181259, Belgieplein 58, 1066 SC Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Remember, you're more than a customer to us, you're part of the Holy Tea family, and families look out for each other. Now, go brew another cup of tea, and leave the privacy worries to us!